Ground Cleaning Support

Drives, Paths & Patios

Aquaseal Cleaning Services - Driveway Maintenance, steam cleaning all driveway, paths and patio surfaces, Birmingham

Driveway Maintenance

How often does your driveway need to be cleaned?

It really depends on the amount of, and type of vehicles that use the driveway.

We check the condition of the driveway and remove any fluid leaks.  Its ideal if fluid leaks are cleaned up immediately because it can discolour the concrete and breaks down the driveway material. So call us today.

  Call Now: 07517 388008

Types of Maintenance

Asphalt is a popular choice for driveways. We can assist with a maintenance plan for your asphalt driveway.

We would help you return the drive to its original state.  New original drives can look fantastic, but without proper care and maintenance, it can go downhill pretty quickly.

Our maintenance would include an inspection and maybe rinsing to remove any dirt, algae, moss and debris. This also gives you a chance to do a complete the inspection to check for any cracks or damage.

Spills: you want to avoid getting any spills like motor oil on the asphalt because it can damage the surface. 

Seal Coating: Once your driveway has been inspected and repaired, you could re-seal/re-surface to add aesthetic value.

Contact us if your driveway is starting to show signs of wear, we have the expertise and equipment to revitalise your driveway.  Use our free quote form 

A traditional block paved driveway or a flagstone driveway can look stunning.  We understand the many different paving designs and materials so any maintenance would replicate your existing design. Today, a new driveway can be quite expensive, so call us about maintenance before paying out.

Cleaning: We tend to give all paving stones a steam clean. It should help return your stone to its original state, removing any dirt etc. from their surfaces. 

Stains: If you notice stains on your flagstone, call us, We use solutions that are pet friendly.  We use protective gloves and, if required, safety goggles. 

Re-Sand and Re-Set Block Pavers:  If required, we can re-sand block paving. The weather will eventually take its toll on the block paving and some of the sand between the blocks will have diminished. After cleaning the block paving, driveway, path or patio to remove any debris, algae etc.  We use kiln dried sand and brush it between the block pavers, this helps to protect and restabilise the pavers and allows the natural movement of a vehicle over the surface without causing any damage to the pavers.

Use our free quote form 

A gravel driveway is one of least expensive options when putting in a new driveway and more people are opting for them based on the prices of other materials. But, you have to keep on top of maintenance to keep it looking nice. The same steps below can also be followed for pebble driveway maintenance.

What we would do:

Weeding: Weeds will regularly grow in a gravel drive, so we use a weed killer (pet friendly) all over the driveway to help keep the weeds away.

Membrane: We would check and maybe replace the weed busting membrane (we notice a lot of gravel drives don't even have a membrane!)

Raking: We would rake your gravel driveway to return it to a level state. 

Potholes: Potholes are one of the main reasons that people forego a gravel driveway, but they are really easy to fix. We would rake back the gravel and fill the hole with sand or replace the gravel "good as new".

Over time, the amount of dirt, grime etc. that gather on a driveway is quite considerable.  Having the concrete surface cleaned makes such a difference, both in practical and functional terms. The changeable weather provides many challenges and cleaning the concrete surface will help the longetivity of the concrete.

If you live in an area with severe weather, please make regular inspections.

If your concrete drive is used above normal practise, maybe a business, you may need to carry out more maintenance.

We offer a "Sealing Service" which helps to keep moss and weed growth at bay for longer and also helps to bring out the colour of the concrete or block paving.There are many good sealers on the market and we can provide and apply the best of these sealants.

Maintaining your driveway, path or patio will ensure it lasts for many more years to come.  Contact us for more information.

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